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Uncle Fluffy's Magic Show a Puppet Show by John Kennedy

October 13 - October 31, 2010
Come see the magic of Fluffy the Magician’s Rabbit as he learns the value of believing in himself while being transformed into a hamster. Along his journey he meets new friends like Doctor Mo Monkey, The Banana Buddies, and The Hamster Band. There are many Halloween surprises and lots of music to dance and sing along with. Join Uncle Fluffy for this "Kid Friendly" limited engagement and have a Happy and Safe Halloween!

Wednesdays-Fridays 10:30am, 4:30pm 
Saturdays and Sundays: 12:30, 2:30, 4:30pm
. Also John will be leading a Halloween Banana Buddy Workshop at 3pm on Saturdays and Sundays until Halloween!!!

Tickets: $5 
Please email or call (407) 834-8757 and leave a message for reservations or to book the entire theater ($400) for your event.
Pinocchio’s is located on the lower level of the Altamonte Mall.

Uncle Fluffy's Magic Show performs at Pinocchio's Theater in the Altamonte Mall. John Kennedy stars with his many puppet characters and songs. Also John will be leading a Halloween Banana Buddy Workshop at 3pm!!! For more info please visit
Uncle Fluffy's Magic Show Uncle Fluffy's Magic Show
Banana Bride and Groom Do you take this Ghoul to be your awfully wedded wife?
The Hamster Band The Hamster Band Rocks